Pwc sdc interview questions

Questions asked in Pwc SDC Interview for freshers

  • Difference between depreciation and amortization?
  • What is the meaning of audit risk
  • Types of opinion
  • Depreciation rate on plant and machinery
  • Depreciation rate on land
  • How u will show dividend received and paid in investing entity and other entity in cash flow statement
  • How will u reduce audit risk
  • Tell me about yourself
  • How compliance procedure (control) and substantive procedures (test of details) related
  • How will u verify the accounts payable in case strong internal controls
  • How will you evaluate the internal control system
  • What do u know about SDC
  • Formula of EPS
  • Formula of NAV
  • What is the meaning of a clean report
  • Which other companies in which u have appeared for the interview?
  • Tell me about your self
  • Audit risk and type of audit risk, how to reduce audit risk
  • How to audit Trade receivable?
  • Different b/w I internal audit n statutory audit?
  • Type of audit opinion?
  • Audit assertion?
  • Different b/w amortization n Dep?
  • Article ship experience
  • External confirmation
  • What is a Financial instrument n related Ind AS?
  • What is Going Concern and examples – case scenario can be asked.
  • Subsequent Events
  • Materiality
  • Cut Off Procedures
  • Ind AS 115
  • Ind AS 116
  • Verification of acc receivable, Equity
  • Internal control not effective than what will u do
  • How will you plan audit of new client
  • Materiality
  • If u can’t get confirmation from the debtor what alternative procedure will u perform
  • What if the internal auditor confirms that controls not that effective then how will you plan an audit.
  • Fixed Asset verification

All the best. May you get in PWC SDC.

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